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Annual School Fair

“Welcome to the Jungle”

12th October – 10AM to 3PM

Family event with many activities and games for children, food, books, crafts and much much more!

Grapevine 27 – 2024

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Play is the Serious Work of Childhood

In play, children take hold of the natural and cultural worlds and in so doing take in the qualities inherent in those realms. They recreate human cultural development and can later contribute to its further evolution because they have understood…

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Grapevine 26 – 2024

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A Triumph! Our Successful Open Day

Last week Saturday we hosted our School Open Day. The rain stopped for just the right amount of time, and our school was buzzing with exploring new parents and existing parents continuing their adventure with us and discovering other faculties…

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Grapevine 25 – 2024

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Class 9 Plays – The Two Gentlemen of Verona

This year's Shakespeare comedy, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, opens on Monday night! The Class 9 Shakespeare play has long been a staple part of the curriculum in our Waldorf schools, an opportunity for teenagers to learn literature in action,…

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