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Education is a lifetime voyage of discovery

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“Receive children in reverence, educate them in love and let them go forth in freedom” – Rudolf Steiner (1861 -1925)

Constantia Waldorf School was established in 1967 on a farm in what was then rural Constantia, in the southern suburbs of Cape Town. It was the first Waldorf school in Africa. Our school is co-educational and offers a modern, comprehensive Waldorf Curriculum from Playgroup to Matric, designed to meet the physical, emotional, and cognitive needs of the growing child at various stages of development.

Sciences, technologies and humanities are afforded as much educational emphasis as the arts. A wide variety of curricular and extracurricular activities such as basketball, cricket, soccer, dancing, music are on offer throughout the year. Our environmental program in the Outdoor Classroom draws large groups of children who enthusiastically engage in gardening, building activities, farming, caring for animals and learning about nature in general, acquiring many practical and social skills. Additionally, having children from multiple nationalities adds another dimension to their learning process by providing a variety of perspectives and insights.

We are proud of our 100% pass rate in the NSC Matric over the past decades. This is further validated by the keenness with which universities and other tertiary institutions accept our alumni, finding them enthusiastic and committed participants in their chosen fields.

It is our educational ideal to strengthen each child’s unique individuality, while encouraging healthy social responsibility, so that our children as adults are practical, integrated members of society.

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